About The Spotlight Arkansas

The Spotlight Arkansas is a platform of narratives from those that are compelled to share their life stories. One of our purposes is to aid in building stronger relationships within the Arkansan community. Another is to encourage any and every person that may be facing comparable circumstances.

In a world that insists on dividing people by placing the spotlight on our differences, The Spotlight Arkansas aims to shine the light elsewhere. Our similarities are what actually bring us together. We are always in need of stories to share, especially for those that need to know that they are not alone.

Here, we believe that we are designed to spread the good news. One very effective way of doing so is by telling our own unique stories about how we have lived through adversity and overcome trials.

If you’ve always wanted to share your story, but could not find the right words, or you did not know where to start, we can help with that. We want nothing more than just your story.

Please feel free to reach out and set up an interview or send us an email with the words “I have a story.” to thespotlightarkansas@gmail.com .

More to come.

Thank you,

-J. Washington| Editor