“..When He washes you clean, He plays no games..”

“27. It has taken a while for me to reach this level of confidence. And, if you truly know me, or my story, then you know that it stems from the hope I’ve received in the story of Christ and His message. 

Like most people, I’ve made choices that did not line up with who I’ve been created, called, or specialized to be.  One of the most memorable took place almost 6 years ago, before my senior year of college. I had already experienced a couple years of ‘recreational’ drug use, and was pretty comfortable trying substances that I felt weren’t ‘too extreme’. 

Throughout this time, I kept my grades up, kept getting awards and merits. It never made any difference to me because I figured I was smart enough to live out this ‘double’ life with ease. But one day, after taking a hallucinogen (LSD), I overdosed and ended up hospitalized in the ICU. 

The whole thing played out like a nightmare. I had no control over my mind or the things I was seeing. I went completely insane. It was all very scary, but so was my life at that time. I remember friends and family coming to pray over me in the hospital. They reminded me of who I was, and whose I was. Three days later, I came back to, and there was no doubt that God made it happen. 

Before all of this, my belief in God was essentially non-existent. But in the midst of this tragic situation, He showed me myself. He showed me the direction I was taking with the destructive choices, but then, most importantly, He showed me Himself. He re-introduced me to Christ. In no way was I following Him before then, nor was I reading any sort of Bible. Yet He showed me grace, love, and gave me a second chance. Now, there’s no way I can not believe. 

Many people don’t come back from what I’ve gone through, or they never come back the same. If I hadn’t recovered, I would have been sent to a Mid-South mental institution. I was “so smart,” yet was doing everything to destroy my mind, and almost did.  

But for the past 6 years, I‘ve embraced using my intellect to please Him by hiding His Word in my heart. I’ve experienced full deliverance from drugs and other strongholds. I’ve expressed my situation and circumstances in efforts to love others by literally spreading the Good News.

People look at me now and have no clue, and all the credit belongs to Him. I’ve learned that when God washes you clean, He plays no games. Now, am I perfect? Absolutely not, and I won’t be perfected until my very last breath, when my mission here is over.  But for now, I am grateful for another year. Another chance to fulfill this beautiful assignment. 

The love that He showed to me is the love I desire to spread to everyone I encounter. My prayer is that each and every instance reflects the wonderful light God has given to me. May you all experience the God that lives within. “

Acts 1:8

-Jonet’ W.


“I realized then, that I carried some type of strength in life. I was like ‘If I made it through that, I can handle something else.’ But I didn’t think life was going to happen to me like it did.”