The Secrets to Lifelong Growth

What Our Parents Told Us About Growth

As a child, I remember hearing my mother and other adults give advice on “ways to grow”. They would say, “Drink your milk,” “Eat your vegetables,” or “Get a full night’s rest.” I have to admit that while those were all key practices to living a healthy life, they were not the actual things that made me grow. Most of us understand now that our parents threw those tips at us as a way of control, (all in our best interests of course).

We’ve all wanted to grow a little taller, stronger, richer, or wiser. But if you ever pay attention, you realize that the growth that really lasts, doesn’t happen just because we want it. Even if we do all that we can to make those things happen, we can’t. At least not in a way that is sustaining. 

The Truth About Growth

Real growth takes time. That is it, time is the real recipe. Sure, some other things may need to come first, like a shift in thought patterns, and behavior changes. But, after that work has been done, you have to let God and time do its work. If not, then in this age of instant gratification and self-comparison, you might find yourself in a very depressive state, counting on your own self to produce immediate results.

1 Corinthians 3:5-9 explains that each person is here to do the work that God has given them, and will be rewarded for their own hard work as “planters” and “waterers.”  We as people can only put the work in (planting and watering).  But, the passage goes on to say that God is the one that makes the “seed” grow. There’s no limit mentioned on how much growth you’ll see. So it is important that we remain patient, and wait (after we’ve put in our work), and then trust His timing. Lasting growth will never happen on our own timing.

It takes time to learn, obtain, and heal.  But it must be intentional time. You may want the best results of good health and family wealth, but if you aren’t eating nutritiously, or saving your coins, don’t expect it. And results won’t pop up after just a couple of weeks of doing so. As time progresses you will see results, that is if you don’t give up so soon.

I hope this encourages anyone that is doubting their journey.  Do not let the media or any of your hopeless peers fool you. It is okay if you are not where you’re headed. You aren’t supposed to be. You’ve woken up today because there is more for you to work and journey towards. Do not stress about results, enjoy the process for what it is, and then relish in the beauty that comes.


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