Ever Hit Rock-Bottom?

Reflect on the Valleys

All of us have experienced valleys in our life. Take a moment to think back on one of your lowest moments. Anxiety or depression might have loomed over you unexpectedly. You might recall experiencing the loss of a very close loved one. Maybe you have seen hard times financially. 

Think about how you felt at your absolute worst. What would you say you needed most from the people around you? Were they able to give it to you? Did they?

In a world of faulted and imperfect human beings, we are all subject to suffering of some sort. But even with knowing this, it often catches us by surprise when we are the ones going through. 

One of Many Valleys

I was raised by a single mother who ALWAYS worked hard to make sure me and my siblings were taken care of. I knew it was never easy for her. There was a point where she lost her job due to layoffs.  I remember our living situation became increasingly unstable, I didn’t know where we were going to go.

I remember us riding up to a random house one day. A lady by the name of Ms. Renee, that we had known from a church, was there waiting for us. She let us in, showed us around, smiled, and told us to let her know if we needed anything. 

Apparently she knew our situation, had compassion on us, and allowed us to stay at her late relative’s home. We stayed there for a few months before moving into another place. Even though I was pretty frustrated about what was going on, I was very grateful for that. I will always remember the love that she showed us in that extremely difficult time.

Recalling that time makes me think on similar situations that I often run across. I have seen many friends, strangers, and students whose families have been in a valley or have lost everything. Now that I’m doing better for myself, I think back to where I have been, and other low moments as well, and feel compelled to do what I can to help. 

Pull Someone out of their Valley

Now, think about just one of those low valleys you have experienced. Most of us can say that there was someone there for us when we thought there was no help, otherwise how did you get through? Compassion literally means to suffer (passion) together (com). It would only be right to be the person that showed you compassion, or the one that you wish had shown it. Many of us don’t understand how we could be the answer to someone’s prayers. 

If you have never experienced a rock-bottom point in your life, try to remember that people everywhere are suffering. You will come across some of these people at different points in your life. Don’t assume that someone else is going to be the one to step up and show compassion, it may very well be you that can help the most. 


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